Improve SEO by Optimizing Your Images | Blogging Tips


How to Optimize Blog Photos and Improve SEO Blogging Tips

Happy Tuesday friends! Today I'm sharing three things I always do to every single one of my blog images to help improve SEO. SEO is short for search engine optimization and this can directly affect your ranking in search engines. You want to make sure you stay on top of your SEO game so that your blog stays visible to search engines and people are able to find your content organically. There are so many ways to improve your SEO but for today I'll be focusing on three simple things you can do to give your posts a search boost. Let's get started!

SEO is all about KEYWORDS! Not only should you be using them in your posts but it's super important to use them when naming your photos. Since search engines can't actually see your photos, they rely on keywords to know what's going on in the photo. A photo named 'IMG_2017_08' doesn't tell google anything about what's going on in the photo, therefore, it's not going to perform well in search results. When I rename my outfit photos I like including the brands I'm wearing, or which season the outfit would be appropriate for. If I'm doing a review on a beauty product, I make sure to include the word 'review' along with the name of the product.

Three Tips to Improve SEO for Bloggers by Optimizing Blog Photos

ALT Text
This stands for alternative text. You should use this space to write a description of what's going on in your image. Like I said before, search engines can't actually see your photos so they rely on this description to help users find the most relevant information. I like using the same keywords I used to name my photos to fill this in.

Image Size
My last tip is to always resize your images. Huge image files will make your blog load a lot slower and loading time can have a big impact on your SEO. The quicker your website loads the better it will rank in search results. I find that keeping your image width anywhere from 600-1000 pixels works really well.

Three Tips to Improve SEO for Bloggers by Optimizing Images

See you guys tomorrow with another outfit post!

Thanks for reading! xo


  1. I love these tips - so handy for newbie bloggers! Proper optimization of images is so important because I believe images rank faster than content does. :)

    Jessica |

    1. I completely agree with you on that Jessica! :)

  2. Such great tips! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed them!


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