blog update: new look!


I've spent the past two days working on a new look for my blog. I wanted something modern and minimal but still more interesting than what it previously looked like. I settled for this beautiful design created by Kay Luxe Design

In the pictures I've highlighted some of the newest features. There is now a menu at the top with various pages on my blog, including a category section where you can find my outfits, inspirations, diy posts, etc. Something else that I really wanted was a search bar along with my social media icons on the menu. On my sidebar I've included some of my most recent popular posts so you can catch up on any that you might've missed. 

Overall, I am super happy with how it turned out. I will most likely continue to make a few small changes but nothing too noticeable. How do you like my new blog look?


  1. I love the new look!! It's so clean and chic. Well done!

    Xo Melissa


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