What I Checked off My October to Do List


Hello November! At the beginning of last month, I created a list of fall-related things I wanted to accomplish and today I'm here to tell you what I was able to check off my list!

Go on a road trip to enjoy the fall foliage. I didn't quite accomplish this in October but I still have time!!

Take more photos with my dslr and have fun with photography. I'm happy to report I started using my camera more. Not only do I love taking photos but editing them is almost just as fun!

Be in bed by 11:30 PM. I knew this was going to be a tough one going in but I still decided to challenge myself. And I failed miserably haha. 

Bake something yummy! Didn't bake anything in October but I will for sure bake a pumpkin pie THIS month! Who else loves pumpkin pie?

Carve pumpkins. Me and my boyfriend carved our own little pumpkins and it was so much fun!

Try new foods with friends. I can now say I've tried sushi... and I didn't like it! I tried a california roll and it wasn't that bad but it wasn't amazing either. I might have to give it another try in the future.

Find a winter fragrance. I found one!! Soon after I wrote that blog post I ordered this one. I love that the scent is very clean and the packaging is gorgeous, however, it doesn't last at all. I won't repurchase but I will definitely enjoy it!

outfit details: H&M sweaterAG jeans, ZARA bag, ALDO booties

Go to a pumpkin patch or go apple picking. No apple picking or cute pumpkin patches for me this year! I did, however, go to a pumpkin house, does that count? haha! It was basically a photo prop and I did a small photo session there with my cousins baby!

 Try all the pumpkin spice flavored deliciousness. Pumpkins spice lattes are all I've had and I love them!

Enjoy the cozy feeling of being wrapped in a scarf, the scent of my favorite candle burning, the sound of the crunchy leaves underneath my feet, holding hands and hugging to stay warm, the spicy aroma and warmth from a hot chai latte... Yes Yes Yes! It's the little things in life that make me the happiest!

All in all, I got 6 out of 10 so I would say I did a pretty good job! I also really enjoyed making a monthly to-do list to share with all of you. I've got to do these more often! Now it's your turn! If you made an October list, how did you do?


  1. YOur photos are fantastic dear! And Im drooling over those sushi. I think it's an acquired taste. Once you eat more of it, you'll learn to love it. Not sure about everybody though.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    1. You are so kind, thank you! I think I will have to try it again because almost everyone I know loves it haha!

  2. I like that knit sweater especially with the more flowing sleeves! Awesome food as well! Super awesome fall post!

    Paulo Paradox | www.pauloparadox.com


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